Whitetail Deer Food Plots

Learning how to set up and maintain good whitetail deer food plots is the key to increasing whitetail population on your property..

What I have implemented the last 3 years works. We went from no resident deer to well over 40 deer at any one time grazing in our fields.

whitetail deer on food plot early spring before the plot starts growing. 18 deer in this picture proves we know what they look for in the spring.Deer Grazing on our Whitetail Deer Food Plot Late Winter/Early Spring

Learn how we built our food plots. It's fun and rewarding to watch the whitetails feed on them.  Of course, we only harvest the bucks on these plots.

Once the resident herd is up to the ratio of bucks to does we will harvest some does that do not have fawns with them. 

Whitetail Deer Food Plot Planning

We will lay out our basic plan here and then follow up with more detailed information for each part of our plan that worked well for us. Without a plan you can't build a house.

1- Learn and understand the layout of your property. 

2- Take soil samples and find where to take them in your area or buy a Soil Test Kit from Amazon like we do. 

3- Find a seed company you can buy from year round.

4-  You may also need lime and fertilizer. 

5- Get the whitetail deer food plot ready for planting. You'll need a seed spreader. 

6- Seed the plot and pray for rain. 

Mapped Out Plan for a Whitetail Deer Food PlotYou need a plan layed out before you start any food plot work. This one was done by the forester we work with. The yellow shows each food plot and it's size.

Clearing Area for a Whitetail Deer food PlotThe planning done, layout in woods completed. Whitetail Deer Food Plot work begins with Bulldozer

Completed Food Plots Attracting Whitetail Deer 

This season my 40 year old son told me time and again that he cannot believe what we have done in 3 years to our property in creating a resident deer herd.

Every time we go out to our stands we see 8 to 12 or more deer in the woods.

We have 300 acres of hardwoods now. Why? Because of great food plots. Anyone can do this if they follow our plan.  It works, we have the proof.

Early Deer Food Plot Seeds GrowingPlot is just starting to grow, the great feeling you get every time you see your plot and it has grown more is wonderful. A job well done for your 4 legged friends.

Whitetail Deer Enjoying Food PlotThe work done, food plot planted attracts Whitetail Deer Like this Buck. Not too long ago this was all woods.

Resident Whitetail Deer FeedingWhitetail Food Plot Planted in July, Attracts lots of Deer already. This was all woods.

Whitetail Deer Taken from Food PlotThis Monster Whitetail Deer Was taken off one of our new Food Plots.

Whitetail Resources

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Field Dressing a Deer Instructional Ebook

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